Our veterinarian

Ticino Animal Hospital is able to offer its patients veterinary assistance and a complete diagnostic procedure.

Thanks to its team of contemporary skilled veterinarians and up-to-date equipment, Ticino Animal Hospital can offer advanced therapeutic services and a wide range of veterinary services for pets. These range from simple check-ups to dental care procedures, and surgical procedures to emergency treatments. They also offer preventive care services and health plans to assist your pet throughout their life.

servizi veterinari 24/7

Our Services

chirurgia veterinaria
chirurgia veterinaria


Emergency and Routine Surgery 24/7, with the possibility of pre- and post-operative hospitalization.

pronto soccorso veterinario
pronto socccorso veterinario

Emergency Room

A department ready to face all emergencies, 24/7, ALWAYS capable of activating any basic or advanced procedures to stabilize the patient.

chirurgia mini invasiva veterinaria

Minimally invasive surgery

Also called laparoscopic surgery, it is a delicate and precise surgical technique that allows for a rapid recovery.

ortopedia veterinaria


Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of muscle and bone disorders in dogs and cats.

tac veterinaria

Veterinary CT

CT scans examine every part of the body with extremely detailed images, then rendered into a three-dimensional image.

diagnostica per immagini per cani e gatti

Diagnostic Imaging

Digital X-rays, computer ultrasounds and tomographies for a more accurate diagnosis.

medicina interna per cani e gatti

Internal Medicine

Medical and nonsurgical therapies to heal metabolic and functional alterations of organs and bodily systems.

oncologia veterinaria


Prevention and early oncological diagnosis maximize the probability of a full recovery.

dermatologia veterinaria


Animals Skin Conditions often have similar clinical symptomology and need an accurate anamnesis.

oftalmologia veterinaria


A complete service to diagnose and treat eye diseases in dogs and cats

neurologia veterinaria


These diseases are often serious, but a specific treatment con lead to a good prognosis to quickly return home.

gravidanza veterinaria


A new service to follow pregnancy in every step. In collaboration with MICHELA BECCAGLIA, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine specialized in small animal reproduction.

omeopatia veterinaria

Homeopathic medicine

Homeopathic medicine and natural remedies can also be used in veterinary medicine, with excellent results.

nutrizione veterinario


In-depth consultations and customized meal plans developed by specialized veterinary nutritionists.

laboratorio analisi

Clinical Laboratory

The in-house laboratory was born from the need of supporting the diagnosis in routine, surgical and emergency care.

anestesiologia veterinaria


Constant monitoring of the patient's vital functions throughout surgery.

piani di salute per cani e gatti

Health Check-up

The Health Check-up is a prevention plan to bring benefits to your pet's health, through high quality treatment at an advantageous price.



We accept installment payments
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